Amotekun, regional security challenges; Questions for the south west governors?

hen the governors of the south west came up with an alternative security plan and outfit to secure it's citizens we were all happy. Most Nigerians in the south west and beyond saw it as a move worthy of emulation. In contrast, their counterparts in northern Nigeria saw it as a move towards regional government that would undermine the country's unity. Some influences in the high places also saw it as a move to deal with their tribesmen who have been labeled herdsmen criminals that have been terrorizing the whole of the country for decades now. As a result of all these, the presidency have shown and spoken without mincing words that it does not support any alternative security outfit like Amotekun. The police have most of the time not been cooperating with Amotekun and it's activities and there have been reported cases when members of Amotekun have been arrested and detained by the police. Amotekun do not have statutory rights to license sophisticated weapons that can help them curb crime. While we know that they do not have some rights according constitution of Nigeria, here are some questions that we need to ask the governors and their handlers about Amotekun corps; 1. Is Amotekun well funded? What is the basic salary of the lowest ranking officer of the security network? What kind of welfare/insurance packages do they have? Is it encouraging enough to enable them perform the task ahead of them? 2. Is Amotekun employing the use of dogs and other animals for security? The fight against criminals like those in the bushes of forest reserves needs the help of trained dogs to fish out these men of the underworld. Trained dogs can be very effective. 3. Does Amotekun have bases and stations specifically constructed security purposes. For instance, all the areas in the South West with borders to neighboring states and countries needs constructed base station for Amotekun corps. The base must all have security towers for surveilance and long view of movements of visitors. Does Amotekun have? 4. If Amotekun cannot use some sophisticated weapons, what about electric guns and some others. There are several other gadgets and security devices that can be used which are not used. The fact that they are not allowed to use AK 47 is not an excuse for intelligence gathering. 5. What about surveillance. What kind of gadgets is available for the corps? Does Amotekun have capacity to gather intelligence? Do they have drone pilots or drones, binoculars, tracking devices, and many others that can aid their work? 6. Is Amotekun enforcing the ban on open grazing declared by all Southern
Nigeria? This are just few questions to ask. There are too many things that can still be achieved with WSN if the governors have the will and good intentions.
