Reflecting on the First Oyo State Creative Industry Mixer

The inaugural Oyo State Creative Industry Mixer served as a landmark event, assembling a diverse array of creatives from Ibadan in an elaborate discussion forum. This well-conceived initiative, spearheaded by Hon. Seun Fakorede, highlighted the Oyo State government's genuine commitment to engaging with local entertainers and addressing their concerns. The event was notable for bringing together both veteran and emerging creatives who have made significant contributions to the cultural landscape of Oyo State. However, several aspects of the event could have been improved to make it more inclusive and representative of the region's rich creative diversity. Embracing Musical Diversity One of the main critiques of the event was its lack of musical diversity. The presence of a gospel music band, while appreciated, did not cater to the broader audience. A more balanced approach, incorporating secular music bands like Keanzo band or other contemporary groups from Ibadan, would have been more inclusive. Given the audience's diverse religious and cultural backgrounds, it is essential to respect and represent all beliefs. Including cultural troupes or bands could have provided a richer, more balanced musical experience, reflecting the true diversity of Ibadan's creative scene. Recognizing Local Talents The future of the creative industry in Oyo State hinges on acknowledging and celebrating its past. Unfortunately, the event fell short in this regard. Many well-known Ibadan entertainment brands were present but went unrecognized. For instance, DJ Secxy, who was personally invited by the convener, did not receive any acknowledgment. Additionally, Wale Ojo, the event's poster star, was notably absent (or perhaps arrived later). Ojo, who started his career in Ibadan and is now an international Nollywood star based in Lagos, represents the importance of celebrating local talents. Recognizing such contributions would have highlighted the rich history and ongoing influence of Ibadan's entertainment industry. Representing Contemporary Artists The absence of contemporary or hip-hop artists from the event suggested a lack of such talent in Ibadan, which is far from the truth. This oversight was particularly disappointing for the Gen Z audience and painted the sector in a poor light. Ibadan boasts a vibrant pool of promising music stars, and their inclusion would have showcased the city's dynamic talent landscape. Future events should make a concerted effort to include contemporary artists to better reflect the current state of the creative industry in Oyo State. The first Oyo State Creative Industry Mixer was a commendable initiative that marked a significant step towards engaging with local creatives and addressing their needs. However, to truly represent the diverse and vibrant creative community in Ibadan, future events must ensure musical diversity, recognize local talent, and include contemporary artists. By doing so, the government can foster a more inclusive and appreciative environment for all creatives in Oyo State. By learning from these initial shortcomings, future editions of the Creative Industry Mixer can better serve as a platform for showcasing the full spectrum of talent within Oyo State, promoting a more inclusive and representative creative community.
